Balochistan Charities Registration Authority
Article of Association
Chapter One
Article 1.  Name of Organization: 
Article 2.  Address of NGO: 
Article 3.  Scope of Work: 
Article 4.  Type/Nature of Organization: 
Article 5.  Resource Utilization: 
Chapter Two
Every normal person with full legal eligibility to join as a member he/she fulfills the required conditions as per the laws.
- Is more than 18 years to age.
- Has agreed with the aims and objectives of the organization.
- A pious person having a good reputation in the Community
- Has a commitment to rendering social service, purely on merit without discrimination.
- Never involved in any unlawful or immoral activities.
- Is Considered suitable by the General Body.
- Must pay the membership fee of /- per Month/ Annually.
A person who agreed with the objectives of the organization and is willing to work for their achievement and wishes to become a member of the organization Shall apply to the Secretary Board. the Secretary Board after obtaining approval from the General Body, will inform him accordingly.
Each member has one vote and has the right to vote personally in each General council meeting of the Board.
The membership ends in one of the following cases.
- Death of member.
- Withdrawal from the organization, in writing to the board of directors in thirty days prior notice.
- A pious person having a good reputation in the Community
The General Body has the right and following a suggestion
from the Board of Directors to decide to disqualify a member
from the organization for one of the following reasons.
- if he/she has committed a crime.
- If he/she has behaved contrary to the organization's goals.
- If he/she has lost his representational function.
- The Board of Directors may suggest to the general body to disqualify a member from the organization for the reasons mentioned in 1, 2,and 3 only after he/she reasonable time to rectify position has been warned in writing, given a reasonable time to rectify the damage, and a chance to defend his position.
Chapter Three
The Management of the organization has consisted of the following Bodies.
- General Body
- Board of Directors.
The general body of the organization is consisting of all members of the organization who have committed and agreed with the aims of the organization and provide services for the achievement of its goals.
The general body shall be responsible for carrying out into effect the memorandum and articles of association of the organization it shall.
- Amending the By-Laws
- Elect the 4 members along with the Chairman ‘and Vice-Chairman of the board.
- Consider and approve the annual the organization Budget and audited accounts
- Disqualify the member of the Board.
- Review of any matter relating to organization activities specifically setting general policies and guidelines with the condition that changes are submitted in writing and approved by the majority of the General Body members.
- Merging the organization with other Institutions.
- Discussion and approval of the annual work plan.
- Selection of 2 technocrat members for the board of directors; with the Chairman recommendations.
- The general body meets in its main office or any other location that is defined in the invitation letter accompanied by the agenda, at least once a year.
- The general body meets further to a written agenda, two weeks before the date set.
The general body's extraordinary meeting is called based on
the request of:
- The majority of members of the Board of Directors.
- At Least one-third of the general body members.
- The general body meeting is considered legal with the presence of a simple majority of its Members should the majority not be present the meeting is postponed to another session, not exceeding 15 days from the time of the initial meeting.
- The member who does not present in the meeting without any legal reasons three times after the receiving of the invitation letter/will be disqualified legally from the membership of the organization.
- The general body elects one of its present members to the chair, and in case of disagreement then the founder member chairs.
- The general body decision is according to a two-thirds majority in all matters.
Chapter Four
The organization is managed by the BOD consist of 7 members, 4 elect from the General body along with the chairman through a vote by General body for the period of three years and two technocrats, and one Country Director who will be selected by the Chairman.
The technocrats and Country directors have no right to vote in the decision or policies making of the organization.
- Patron of (BOD) are following in Board setup:
- Chairman
- Vice-Chairman
- Two Members
- Two non-elected, Technocrat Members
- The Country Director of the organization will be a member of the board, Chairman of the board selects any member from Organization both Councils general and BOD for mentioned designation. The Country Director will also perform the functions of Secretary of Board.
The BOD specializes in the following issues.
- Officially representing the organization on the local and international levels, and in front of the official parties, within the goals of the Bylaws.
- Approval of the detailed work plans that are derived from the annual work plan, and approval of the annual administrative, financial and operational plans that are prepared by the Country Director.
- The control and management of all the affairs of the organization and constituent projects.
- It will be responsible for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Organization.
- Appointment of senior positions, defining their area of specialization and ending their services according to the internal staff regulation
- Establish necessary committees to improve the work and define the area of work
- Prepare the end-of-year financial statements and the new statements for the new financial year.
- Submit yearly administrative and financial reports and any other plans or projects to the general body.
- To submit the new project proposals to donors for the achievement of organization goals.
- Members of BOD shall not avail of financial benefits except the Country Director who will be paid as head of all Employees of the organization?
The BOD Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Country Director specialize in the following duties.
Chairman will be elected by General body. He will be responsible for the following duties.
- Chair the organization in all respects.
- Shall provide overall the meeting of BOD and general body.
- Have power, in anticipation of the approval of BOD, to sanction expenditure up to Rs.
- Responsible for proper working and functioning of the organization and its projects.
- Approves the agenda of the BOG meeting and supervises the implementation of its decisions.
- Signs with the Vice-Chairman on the meeting minutes, administrative decisions, and internal affairs regarding employees.
- Selects the Country Director of the organization from board members and general body members whom he understands best for the organization.
He/ She will be elected by the general body The Vice- Chairman specializes in the following.
- Chairing the meeting in the absence of Chairman
- Monitoring of organization projects and work and report to Chairman.
The Country Director will be responsible for the following tasks.
- He will be head of all employees and office barriers.
- Takes steps for the implementation of the resolution passed by the BOD.
- He is responsible for the implementation of organizational programs according to organization policies and BOD decision.
- Represents the organization in all forums.
- Appoints the employees for tasks for achievements according to Organization policies.
- Report to BOD of all organizational work progress on monthly basis.
- Prepares and presents the annual reports.
- Ensures smooth functioning of all administrative affairs of all organizations.
- Ensures proper maintenance of the accounts of organizations.
- Ensures the record-keeping of payments, received aids donations.
- Ensures the payments on behalf of the organization after proper checking of the bills and getting acknowledgment of the receiver.
- Ensiles the maintenance of the financial records of the organization.
- Ensures smooth functioning of all the financial a fair of the organization and the constituent projects.
- Ensures annual audit of organization accounts. and presents in the meeting of BOD and General Body
- Opens thank account and keeps all money in Bank.
- Operates the bank account with joint signature as per organizational financial policy.
- Working as secretary Board prepares the BOD and general Body meeting’s agenda, invites members and takes charge of the meeting and prepare the minutes, decisions and note them in the record of the organization.
- Record keeping of organization in all respects.
The BOD meets at least once every three months, according to a set annual timetable and following on invitation from:
- Decisions are taking by a simple majority (50%+ 1) and in case of equality votes, and then Chairman has the casting vote.
- Each member has one vote. But the technocrat members have not right to vote.
- The BOD meets exceptionally whenever necessary following an invitation from the Chairman, his/her deputy, or one-third of members.
- A member who resigns in writing to the board Should decide within a period not exceeding one month from the date of submission and if does not respond, then it will be considered as approval.
- Absence of the members from meetings on three consecutive sessions with no valid reasons.
- If one eligibility membership criteria no longer apply to the members.
a) Ordinary General Meetings: The general body will hold ln addition to any other meetings a general meeting as its annual general meeting once at least in every calendar year, within a period of six months, following the close of its financial year and not more than eighteen months after the holding of its last proceeding annual general meeting.
The agenda for the meeting shall be circulated among the members at least fifteen days before of meeting.
b) Extra Ordinary Meetings: All general meetings of the Organization other than the annual general meeting shall be called extraordinary general meetings. It shall be called to consider any matter, which requires the approval of the general body ln general meeting on the requisition of the board of directors or members of the general body representing not less than one-third of total members. The requisition shall state the objects of the meeting:
Signed by requisition sits and deposited at the registered office of the organization. The meeting, so-called shall be held within three months from the date of piling of requisition.
c) Emergent Meeting: An emergent meeting of the general body may be called, to consider an urgent business on the requisition of BOD.
Whenever a notice of meeting is required to be given by law or hereunder due to notice shall be deemed to have been given the secretary board or any functionary of the organization so authorized sends a written communication by mail, under postal cover, telegram, fax, email or by hand under receipts, addressed to the member at his address shown in the register of the member. The accidental omission to give notice to or the non-receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting.
a) Ordinary Meeting: A notice for a minimum period of fifteen days in writing shall be given to the member before the date fixed for the meeting specifying the place, the day and hour of the meeting along with the statement of the Business to be transacted at the meeting.
b) Extra Ordinary Meeting: Notice for an extraordinary meeting shall be sent to the members at least three days before the date of the meeting.
c) Emergent Meeting: notice for the emergent meeting members at least 48 hours before the date of the meeting.
No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum of members is present at that time when the meeting precedes to business the quorum for various meetings shall be,
- The general body meets in its main office or any other location that is defined in the invitation letter accompanied by the agenda, at least once a year.
- The general body meets further to a written agenda, two weeks before the date set.
A Resolution/Decision in writing circulated to all the members of the general counsel and the board through telex, telegram, email and signed or affirmed by them or a majority of them shall be as valid and effective as if it had been passed by the meeting of the general counsel and the Board duly convened and held.
Procedure: At any meeting, a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided by the show of hands. A declaration by the patron-in-chief/president that a resolution has, by show of hands, been carried either unanimously or by a particular margin, or lost, and the entry that effect having been made in then minutes of the meeting, shall be the conclusive evidence to the fact, without the proof of the number proportion of the vote recorded in favor of, or against, that resolution.
- Decisions by Majority: All decisions will be taken by the simple majority of the members present and cast vote.
- The casting of Vote: In case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have and exercise a second or casting vote.
- Right to Vote: Subject to any right or restriction for the time being attached to any class or classes of membership, by a show of hands, every member present in the meeting shall have one vote. The vote may be given personally but in case of his absence, written consent from him for the election shall be necessary for proxy.
- The election of the board of management shall be held after every three years.
- The members of the Board are eligible for re-election.
- The presence of the candidate is essential during the election but in case of his absence, Written consent from him for the election shall be necessary for proxy
- The elections shall be by a vote by the member present.
- the board of management will nominate any person to conduct the election as “returning officer”
- A notice, a minimum of four weeks, shall be given to all members for participation in the election.
- A member desirous of contesting in the election shall have to file the nomination paper at least two weeks before the date fixed for the election paper before "returning officer”.
- Every individual candidate shall be proposed and seconded by two members.
- The returning officer will announce the result after receiving & counting the ballots.
The Financial year of the organization and its constituent projects shall Commence on January 1st and end on 31st December.
The funds of the Foundation shall consist of:
- Contribution from Members
- Donations, presents, and gifts individuals or corporate organizations.
- Grants-in-aid from the government and other NGOs from home or abroad.
- Funds received for specific projects.
- All funds at the head office, of the organization, not immediately consumed and not otherwise invested, shall be deposited to the credit of organization in a scheduled bank designated by the board and bank accounts shall be operated by any two joint signatories i.e., Country Director and Finance Director.
- that the organization shall utilize its Income and donations received during the preceding year for achieving its aims and objects.
The Country director shall ensure the maintenance of proper account books. The books of account shall be kept at the registered office of the organization. In the case of regional office/sub-office, proper maintenance of books shall be kept in the offices of respected regional and sub-olives.
The account of the organization shall be properly audited every year by a firm of’ chartered accountants, appointed by the Board of Directors.
Name | Designation | PhoneNumber | CNIC Number |